IN MEMORIAM: Johanna Louise Hardesty (1956-2022)


Previously, on the old site, I gave a quick summary of what to expect in vol. 2 of The Lindensaga:

Volume 2 of the Last Giant (Retribution) is still in the works, unfortunately. Menannon gets put through the wringer, of course. He matures quite a bit, as you no doubt have surmised. We learn a great deal about him as he comes to know himself and the part the High One has set for him to play. This book will bring his story to a pause as it sets the stage for the next two books which take up the tale of the Teluri, Lindrahier and in which our Giant plays a major supporting rĂ´le. Actually, he plays a part in most of the rest of the series which is why we are telling his story first. His story has another book yet to appear which will bring it to a close, but that is several volumes down the pike.

That hasn't changed. The third book in the series has been completed for some time, as has the fifth. The fourth is well underway, and I will turn my attention to that one after finishing volume 2, Retribution.

After all that, well, I don't have a crystal ball, but I hope to persuade an agent to take us on. There's more to self-publishing than meets the eye.

-- Richard for J. R. Hardesty


After many months, I have at last begun Chapter 7 of The Last Giant: Retribution (Book 2 of the Lindensaga). It has been a struggle. I have had to deal with many things, chief among them the loss of the other half of my being. That particular burden will always be with me, but I am learning to bear it. And the book beckons....

As we were working on another project as well, that one progresses also. It has been easier to continue, as on this one, Jan functioned as my research assistant while I did the writing. We were researching the life and times of one Charles Edward Conrad, the founder of Kalispell, Montana. The results of our research are being published in another blog, Spotted Caps West. The Blackfeet (Piikuni) called Charley Spotted Cap, and  I have so titled the blog.

I will be posting here as well, but not on a regular schedule.

Menannon is alive!

—Richard, for J. R. Hardesty