The world of Linden was created by the High One, and the tales of its history constitute the Lindensaga™. Within this world are several political entities, of which the two most important are the Kalyrian Empire and its successor nation, the Kingdom of Aridion.
Here is an overview of the series.
The Lindensaga series is comprised of several books, each of which has two or more volumes. Each book is centered on a main character and is set in its own time-frame within the greater Lindensaga and each stands on its own. The main sequence consists of three books as follows:
[1] Book 1 - The Last Giant. This is the story of Menannon, the Giant who becomes the Grandmaster of the Harpers of Aridion. Menannon is a recurring character throughout the entire saga. While the main character in this book, he plays a role in the other books as well, for being a Giant, he has a long lifespan and is known in later centuries as The Ancient One..
Vol. 1: Transgression (complete)
Vol. 2: Retribution (in progress)
[2] Book 2 - The Gift of the High One. This tells the tale of Lindrahier, who in time becomes the High King of all the Teluri of Linden. The Teluri, an ancient race, are immortal, but not invulnerable. Lindrahier is a gifted mage and becomes, in time, a wise ruler, but his life was not an easy one and would have crushed a lesser man.
Vol. 1: Prince of the Teluri (complete)
Vol. 2: High King of the Teluri (in progress)
[3] Book 3 - The Harper of Rhindol Vale. All that has gone before has but set the stage for this, the story of Siglin Lightbringer, a Teluri and ward of Menannon, but one whose life, fraught with pain and danger, is tied to a terrible fate that might well cost him his life.
Vol. 1: The Key of Tanguroth (complete)
Vol. 2: The Orb of Making (in progress)
Vol. 3: The White Tower (started)
Vol. 4; The Frostrill Stair (started)
We had discussed the possibility of another seven volumes, but with Jan’s passing, I do not see that happening.
This extension would have included a three-volume book about a new character, Seren Padafort, which we referred to as Serenssaga. We planned that it would be in three volumes (The Ghost and the Ring, Daylight and Darkness, and Forgesinger). One chapter of the first volume and a short story based on it exist, and I have a general idea of how the thing would develop, but that is all.
This was to be followed by a third volume of The Last Giant, titled Absolution. Nothing of this book exists beyond some general concepts.
The final book we were considering we called Scourge of the Black Sun and was to be in three volumes: Black Sun Rising, Black Sun Burning and Black Sun Extinguished: The World’s Ending. Nothing of this exists outside of my mind.
In all practicality, the first eight volumes listed above are all that are likely to ever get written, and, hopefully, published. It would take a miracle to see all fifteen volumes written, let alone published!
But even those remaining four won't see the light of day if I don't get off my rear end and write them. If you really want to see these books in print, let me know. It will help motivate me to finish what we started, oh, so many years ago.
--- Richard, for J. R. Hardesty
©2023 Richard L. Hardesty